Sunday, 8 October 2017

Job interviews

Job interviews are a challenge for everyone. Having special needs simply make them harder.

Imagine a two-day process when you cannot recognise faces.... The panel tend to wear different colours on the second day (as do the other candidates) and I cannot identify them. Most people do not know about prosopagnosia and so feel that when I have to ask for names again it is me demonstrating a lack of manners. Or I explain prosopagnosia and the other person responds with "Oh, I'm not good at remembering everyone's name either", it is not the same thing!

I understand why schools choose fishbowl exercises. For someone with special needs these can be an absolute minefield! The worst case scenario is when other candidates are responding to each other's implicit points and I feel like I'm constantly playing catch up as I process everything going on. This is made even harder by everyone wanting their voice to be heard and using tones that overwhelm my whole body. You know that feeling when the bass is too loud and you can feel it and it makes your stomach turn? Voices can do the same thing! It's an odd sensation. [Though ironically wearing noise cancelling headphones doesn't help me either, I simply become overwhelmed by the sound of my heartbeat and breathing!]

Then there's the actual interview. When I'm relaxed I can identify implicit questions. In the stress of an interview situation I can only answer the explicit. Ironically in an interview at a school for Autistic students I was asked questions such as:

"explain how you have improved education for a student" 

I answered the question by talking about a student who had failed her AS exams before taking the tough decision to restart her course and succeeding. The feedback was that I talked too much about individual students and not enough about whole school strategies. None of the questions had been worded for whole school and I didn't relax enough to interpret the implicit. I have learnt from this experience and now ask if I have answered the intended question. 

My school teachers used to be very frustrated with my ability to answer exam questions. I answer a question until I feel it is answered which often means I haven't really answered at all. Lol. It is great when an interview panel appreciates the challenge of Autism and provide me with sub questions. I am not looking for positive discrimination for us Autistic Women. I would love a level playing field. 

I remember offending a colleague once who told me I needed to schedule a PMR review meeting; I replied asking for her to email me some possible times and then asked what the R stood for. She called me a ******* sarcastic ***** and stormed off. I was left wondering what I'd done now to offend. I went over the conversation again and again with no luck until I explained it later and it was pointed out that R stood for review. I had not intended to offend and feel I am judged by others standards. Why can my words and actions not be taken at face value? 

Sunday, 1 October 2017

My #WomenEd story (part 2)

Months ago I rashly offered to facilitate a session at the third #WomenEd unconference about Teaching with Autism. I offered to share some of the barriers others inadvertently create to restrict me & my Autism. This was part of me developing my confidence at sharing my own SEND to enable other staff and students to embrace their own challenges because I want to do my bit to change perspectives.

The day did not start well! I had made the decision to get the train as it would be more comfortable for my broken leg than driving to Sheffield. I parked at the station, checked train was on time, bought my ticket, walked to the platform to discover in those few minutes the train had been cancelled. I enquired about the next train; it would get me to Sheffield just before 10 so I decided to drive. Back to the car & a £6 parking charge for the 10 minutes I'd been at the station did not impress me! I set off again for Sheffield. As I was driving along the A500 & A50 I realised that I was shouting at other drivers and driving aggressively. I had turned into one of my EBD students ;) I turned off the radio to think and realised that the unexpected change in plans had made me anxious (Driving to Sheffield wasn't a worse plan than the train, it wasn't my plan) which had manifest itself as anger. That moment of clarity was an eye opener & made me realise that when a student says "I don't know why I did it, it just happened" they really don't!

Speaking to an audience hasn't worried me for a long time yet yesterday I was very nervous. This was different, this wasn't talking about education or research or school, I was sharing the Me I've spent my whole life trying (& failing) to hide. I didn't know if anyone would turn up, would it be better if they didn't, why would anyone want to listen to my ramblings etc.

I am Autistic and have aphantasia & prosopagnosia. I am me not in spite of or because of these things, they're part of my uniqueness.

I have reflected about the overwhelming response I had yesterday whilst processing to understand it. Having exhaustingly invested mental energy for all of my life in trying to appear neurotypical (which I don't think I've ever succeeded at!) I struggled, and still am, to process the complete acceptance.

Over the years I have received, both asked & unasked for, feedback about how colleagues perceive me. On one side there are those who find me passionate, enthusiastic & quirky or eccentric, on the other are those who find me rude, abrasive, superior, arrogant and patronising. I think of myself as being the former, if others perceive me differently then I need to try harder to explain my special needs. I'd perhaps spent so long trying to fit in that I'd forgotten the word NEEDS, that this isn't a choice.

I can be so overwhelmed by the noise of school life that I choose to isolate myself. The projector and lights can be so loud that I miss things said in the classroom as I'm concentrating so hard in tuning our the distractions. Colleagues find it strange that I choose to work in my classroom in the dark rather than share work space. I am going to make more of an effort to find a compromise and timetable slots where I will go and work with others.

That solution leads me to another problem. Small talk. Hell! What do people talk about? Staff rooms are my personal hell. I'm ok at a real conversation and so I try to create a list of real things I can ask different people about, e.g. has X improved now that he's on homework report? This would be a lot easier if I could recognise my colleagues well enough to start those conversations. Lol!

The incredibly beautiful souls that came were perfect. I have never felt so accepted for my oddities before. They said I was brave for being honest, I disagree with that label.

I've been trying to think of a concise set of advice for leaders of staff with Autism, this is my work in progress:
1. Be open & honest. Say exactly what you mean, someone with Autism cannot easily navigate the minefield of hidden meanings. That goes for interview panels too. 
2. Provide work spaces that aren't over stimulating. Listen to the coping strategies your staff have already identified. Help them find compromises for shared working practices.
3. Start meetings on time. Those few minutes might not seem much but if you're going through the hell of making small talk they're an eternity! 
4. If you have staff with prosopagnosia share staff lists with photos. I have been printed out at home and use them like flashcards in an evening to try and get it right.
5. Attempting to appear neurotypical is exhausting. Be understanding & flexible, our brains need longer to recharge. 
6. A common trait in autistic women is oversharing & answering direct questions. Utilise this as a strength & if you can't then be explicit about subjects that are over the line. For example I would never discuss my sex life with students (that'd be weird & even I can see that it's over the line!) and am comfortable discussing my SEN, IVF and being in an abusive relationship. To me these aren't over the line as I'm comfortable talking about them. 
7. If your staff constantly have to ask where rooms are please don't get frustrated. I do try to learn my way around! 
8. If an Auristic member of staff is trying to burn their bridges please please please don't let them! (I'll write a separate post about this)
9. Don't ask things in the corridor etc without following it up with an email; if it's not written down it won't happen. Not a deliberate thing, not poor memory, we'rewired differently. 
10. Being a teacher with SEN can be incredibly isolating & lonely. Make time to check on people quietly.

Thank you #WomenEd 

Any thoughts/ comments/ questions/ clarifications tweet or DM me @NuttySalt or email me

My #WomenEd story (part 1)

Yesterday I found myself being more than 10% braver and sharing with some beautiful people at #womened about being a teacher with SEND. I've been reflecting today about how I got to that point. I think #SLTCamp started me on this path three years ago (it must be longer ago than that?). I will always be grateful for the lessons I learnt that weekend.

Two years ago before and after the first #womened unconference I wrote these on Staffrm & made a promise to myself to be more open & honest about the challenges of life with special needs. I firmly believe that tolerance in our schools begins with tolerance of ourselves. I believe I owe my students my honesty as they accept me and my differences without question. Various line managers have in the past said that I'm trying to change the world as critiscim; I am trying to, unashademedly. Changing the world is why I'm in education, aren't you?

Before #WomenEd Unconference

Who am I?

I'm sat on a train to London very early on Saturday morning on my way to the first @womened unconference reflecting on what I want to get out of today and how I got this far.

I started out as a teacher determined that I never wanted to leave the classroom; part of me still feels that way, why would anyone want to spend less time doing the best bit of the job? But, as most of us, I accepted a little responsibility which grew until I applied for more. With schools the single role that changed me the most was training teachers, it excited and challenged me. I loved the feeling when a trainee achieved their target after all the hard work and determination to succeed. My teaching improved as they brought fresh ideas, a new perspective is something I always value.

Alongside this I was going through my own kind of hell which did eventually impact on work; two and a half rounds of unsuccessful ivf. I questioned everything about my own existence, my purpose in life and ultimately "who am I?" I came out the other side a more driven leader, very career focused and not ashamed to be ambitious. The green eyed monster gets out occasionally when I need to set work for a student on maternity leave from school or when someone close shares their joy at expecting a baby but I have done my grieving for the life I might have had and am genuinely happy with who I am today.

My challenge is that being career focused and unapologetically ambitious evokes a different response than if I were male. I struggle to make small talk and my efforts are often painful for all concerned which makes it easier for all if I stick to work conversations in work. This means some people find me stand-offish or cold (which I'm far from) and I know I need to work harder at this. Male colleagues generally appreciate my straight talking, honest approach and usually aren't threatened by my goals. Female colleagues, however, often respond with barbed comments and work hard to put me down. 

Attending events like @womened is regarded as me 'sucking up'. As Emma Barnett says in her TED talk the "dominance penalty" promotes men for acting dominantly but penalises women for acting the same forcing women to choose between ambition and being liked by colleagues. I've come to accept that as an ambitious woman my friends are out of work, which does make the work life balance easier, but I shouldn't have to develop an even thicker skin as a defence to spiteful jealous comments from female colleagues. After all we're all in education for the same purpose - to make a difference for our students. 

After #WomenEd Unconference


Make them giants

Aside from the personal tortures of small talk (think I managed ok?) and a visualisation walk (it's at times like this I really wish I had a minds eye but at least I can name the problem now - aphantasia) yesterday was truly amazing. I've come away feeling reenergised and motivated.

I was staggered to realise just how many women I respect suffer from imposter syndrome. It reminded me of an early PGCE lecture, a lifetime ago, where a head told us that if our parents weren't professionals we had no right to be there as we had no understanding of what it meant to be a professional. That made me determined to show him just how wrong he was (no idea who he was though!) whilst others gave up and left the course. Discussing this sometime later I discovered that he'd also said that if our parents were professionals we had no right being there. What interests me now is that the message that was applicable to each of us stuck with us and either added to our reason to give up or motivated us to be better. The male students had, in the main, laughed and joked about it and forgotten it. While us women had held it close for all that time. I still expect someone to tell me I shouldn't be there because...... But I don't need to anymore. I've earned my place, we all have, and we should celebrate that.

If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.
Isaac Newton

We should be the Giants for the next generation of women teachers, for all teachers, coming into the profession. Teaching and modelling that There is no 'right' image of a a leader in education. (She doesn't even have to wear a skirt @MsHMFL !)

My personal list of mantras is expanding for different moments;
     1. Eat the frog.
     2. Be 10% braver. Take the leap.
     3. I am strong. I am invincible. I am teacher. (Yes I've tweaked this one)
     4. Keep your head, heels & standards high.
     5. If in doubt make a fool of yourself.
     6. Sometimes do it quick & dirty.

I am going to continue working with a growth mindset to be better today than I was yesterday. Thank you to everyone at #WomenEd you are awesome!

The other huge event of yesterday was the rugby and as leaders we could learn a lot from them. They lost in the dying moments of the game against Wales yet they didn't give up; they prepared and went out in front of their critics and gave it everything knowing that everything still might be enough. We should do more of that and less falling at the first hurdle; instead of making them giants we need to make ourselves giants #makethemgiants 

COMMENTS [from original StaffRm post]
Hannah Wilson@misswilsey1 year ago
I think your 1-6 should become #WomenEd motivational posters!

Anita Devi@butterflycolour1 year ago
Great set of personal mantras

Julie Hunter@mshmfl1 year ago
Wellies and skirt today for PE drop in while kids did cross country

David Rogers@davidrogers1 year ago
I am doing my best not to gloat about the England performance (being a Welshman)... And I share your pain of small talk - I struggle. Thank you for sharing these ideas and mantras - be who you are and don't apologise for it!